Thursday, August 18, 2022

Miniature Kits


Much like how Rio Rondo kits are one of the best ways to introduce new tackmakers, miniature kits are really good for learning a ton of skills. Also I had a 40% off coupon to hobby lobby and when I returned some unused flowers from the wedding I was looking for something new to try.

So I picked up this adorable chocolatier kit. It started out in quite a few pieces and took up all my workspace. 

Following the book I made this cute little cabinet. So far I was following along and it seemed easy enough.

Then I got to practice putting together little paper things while getting glue everywhere but where it should be.

The kit is supposed to be 1:24 so my stablemates were a bit small for it but I couldn't find my two schleich horses.

A tiny cabinet filled with chocolates. This is what dreams are made of.

Even more tiny treats, yum!

Then I decided I didn't like all of the pink so I repainted it all glossy black. Black is the new pink or something.

I started putting together flowers. I should get some of the green papery stuff they had in the kit. These flowers actually turned out really well.

So at this point I decided that just painting a few panels wasn't custom enough and I'd watched a lot of the Square to Spare youtube videos so I had a baggie of coffee stirrers...

So frustrating but it turned out really nice. Then of course I blocked most of it with furniture but idk. It was a valuable skill to learn.

So anyway after painting all of the pink panels black because I wasn't feeling pink I made the contradictory executive decision to paint the interior pink?

Putting the furniture in was one of the most rewarding parts. Especially since I was the one who put it together.

Then brandishing my coffee stirrers I decided to redo the planters since the cardboard was not behaving.

Then I was working on the exterior of the shop. I painted the table and chairs glossy black too since they started as pink and gold.

Getting the lighting working was hard. I had never really worked with this stuff and I wired it backwards because I am terrible at reading instructions so that was a struggle for a bit. Lots of little wires.

But I got it all put together and it looks fabulous!

So I highly recommend trying one of these little kits. Overall it took me two weeks of effort just an hour after work or a few hours on the weekend but it is sooo cute! I also learned a lot of skills that will be helpful when I finally work up the nerve to attempt a barn project. I learned how to do wiring, make tiny paper items, assemble tiny furniture, and do miniature trim. And above all I had fun!

1 comment:

  1. This makes me want to hitch up the family pony and chaise [p. shay] and trot on over! How delightful. I think the black-&-white check plus pink really works well together. Congrats on the wiring, I've never done any mini wiring myself so I can appreciate the struggle. And yes, it was originally a kit that got me started making cross stitch saddle blankets. 'Sweet.'


Upgrading a Wreath, horse girl style