Welcome to my blog!
This is my very first blog post here so I am super excited! This blog will be dedicated to following the shenanegans that occur along the way of making my etsy projects. There will also be lots of tips and tutorials because inspiring and helping others is the best way to give back to those that have helped and inspired me!
My passions at the moment are crocheting, making itty bitty tack for model horses, and soapmaking which I will be the first to admit is a very wide array! I can't promise that I'll stick to just those, I'm also a huge baking addict although none of these creations will be on my Etsy shop, if the recipe is good it might turn up here too! And any other crafts? Hmm well I know quite a bit about paint so painting might not be out of the running either.... Stay tuned for more!
Thank you for joining me on my crafty journey and please check out my Etsy shop, HandcraftedByKari!